The Process

All Bridges participants go through a period of exploration volunteering, trying new things, and uncovering potential interests and abilities. During this time of exploration, we encourage participants to simultaneously take part in GRACE enrichment activities.
Prerequisites: none
When Bridges participants decide to move forward in their vocational pursuit, Bridges mentors walk them through a robust curriculum specially tailored for the participant's needs and interests. This curriculum, paired with short internships, will help the participant discover a path that's right for them.
Prerequisites: must complete exploration period, and must utilize the Self Determination Program
After exploring options and discovering their interests, participants are ready to transition into employment or self-employment. At this point, Bridges participants transition into one of ITG's other programs: New Options Community Employment or Limitless Microenterprise Development.
We are currently accepting new applicants who utilize California's Self Determination Program.
For more information and to apply, please contact us.
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