Our mission is to provide services that empower adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities to identify their unique abilities, develop skills, and thrive in a community-based workplace.

Find a job that works for you.
In our New Options program, we utilize highly personalized service models and diverse community partnerships to match job seekers with an enjoyable job that fits with their unique strengths, needs, and preferences.
Knowing that no two job seekers are the same means that no two program plans are the same. We will take into consideration as many aspects of an individual’s personality, experience, natural ability and determination as possible to find the right fit for them and then help them find ways to adapt in those areas they may find challenging for the purpose of achieving their goals.
Regardless of whether participants choose self or community employment, the beginning stages may look the same. Community employment services are divided into three components:
Prevocational Support (Bridges Program)
Prevocational Support services include a thorough evaluation of a job seeker’s skills, abilities, and interests, as well as various opportunities to build skills and an Experience Portfolio. Opportunities and training may include but are not limited to: - Physical capacities development, i.e., health concerns. - Psychomotor skills development. - Interpersonal, communicative/social and adaptive skills development, e.g., responding appropriately to supervisors/coworkers. - Work habits development, e.g., attendance and punctuality, focusing on tasks. - Development of vocationally appropriate dress and grooming. - Productive skills development, i.e., the achievement of productivity standards and quality results. - Work-practices training, e.g., following directions, completing tasks. - Work-related skills development, e.g., problem solving, path planning to future employment opportunities. - Money management and income reporting skills. - Volunteerism to assist the person in identifying job or career interests. Prevocational supports are designed to prepare individuals in non-job-task-specific strengths and skills that contribute towards obtaining a competitive and integrated employment, as opposed to vocational services whose sole purpose is to provide employment without habilitation goals geared towards skill building. Prevocational supports are offered through ITG's Bridges Prevocational Program
Employment Support
Employment Support services may or may not include customized and/or traditional supported employment services including job development services, which provide support in finding and/or carving job opportunities for the job seeker. Great effort is taken to match the job seeker with an employment opportunity that fits their skills and will be mutually beneficial for the employer and employee. Activities may include but are not limited to: - Physical capacities development, i.e., health concerns. - Psychomotor skills development. - Interpersonal, communicative/social and adaptive skills development, e.g., responding appropriately to supervisors/coworkers. - Work habits development, e.g., attendance and punctuality, focusing on tasks. - Development of vocationally appropriate dress and grooming. - Productive skills development, i.e., the achievement of productivity standards and quality results. - Work-practices training, e.g., following directions, completing tasks. - Work-related skills development, e.g., problem solving, path planning to future employment opportunities. - Money management and income reporting skills. - Development and use of natural job supports. - Workforce integration techniques. - Community integration development/relationship building. - Safety skills and training. - Job discovery, job-seeking, and interviewing skills. - Self-advocacy training, participant counseling, peer vocational counseling, career counseling, and peer club participation. - Volunteerism to assist the person in identifying job or career interests. - Individualized assessment. - Job analysis, job development and placement that produce an appropriate job match for the participant and employer. - Direct supervision or training while the participant is engaged in integrated work. - Job coaching provided on or off the worksite. - Counseling with a participant/family and/or authorized representative to ensure support of the participant in job adjustment or planning for retirement. - Counseling on benefits planning to ensure a consumer understands the relationship between earned income and receiving public benefits such as SSI, SSA, Medi-Cal, and PASS Plans. - Consultation with employer’s Human Relations staff. - Assessment of need for technology and facilitating acquisition of communication aides and technology. - Job customization, e.g., modifications to work materials, procedures, and protocols. - Self-employment and business development, i.e., identification of potential business opportunities, business plan development, identification of needed supports, ongoing assistance and support. - Transportation/mobility training
Employment Success and Sustainability
Employment Success and Sustainability services (Job/Success Coaching) are provided to the individual who has successfully obtained community based employment or has successfully launched their own microenterprise. These services take the form of ongoing job coaching or business success coaching to ensure sustainability in one’s community employment or their own business should they choose self employment. At this point some participants may transition to our Limitless microenterprise development services.
We are currently accepting new applicants who utilize California's Self Determination Program.
For more information and to apply, please contact us.
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